The much-hyped Apple Vision Pro headset has started arriving for those who pre-ordered it, or is available for a test drive for those who want to give it a demo in person. As the future of spatial computing, the AR/VR headset might not be for everyone based on its hefty $3,499 price tag and lack of apps like Netflix and YouTube at launch (although it will come with Disney+, Max and 150 3D movies, immersive movies and series). Estimates show that the company may have sold between 160,000 and 180,000 headphones over the weekend when pre-orders began. Although this amount is much lower than the standard release of the newest iPhonethere will be a wave of early adopters eager to don the headset when it launches on Friday.
Us first impressions of Apple Vision Pro, as well as our own continuous review experience with this, they achieved impressive results, although it is still unclear who the headset is ultimately aimed at and what it could become as a device in regular use. We’ll have more thoughts for you once we’ve spent more time with the device, and we already have some suggestions for which apps to download and launch when you first turn on your handset.
As launch day approaches, here’s everything you need to know about how to pre-order an Apple Vision Pro for yourself.
How to order Apple Vision Pro
Orders for the Apple Vision Pro are now live Apple’s website. From there, you’ll use Face ID on your iPhone or iPad to measure yourself for proper fit of the Light Seal and headbands. It will also ask you to choose whether or not you need optical inserts, with readers and prescription options listed at $99 and $149, respectively. Because you cannot use Apple Vision Pro while wearing glasses, you must provide a “readable complete prescription” with your distance and near correction needs, expiration date, your name, date of birth and license number, and signature of your prescriber. Reading inserts are available in +0.75 to +1.25D, +1.50 to +1.75D, and +2.00 to +2.75D.
Then it’s time to choose how much storage space you’ll need. The base device starts at 256GB for $3,499, then it’s $3,699 for 512GB and $3,899 for 1TB.
Finally, you’ll decide how you want to pay for the device, either buying it outright or in installments starting at $291.58 per month with an Apple Card, and whether or not you want to add AppleCare+ coverage to your device for $499 or 24, $99 every month. Once you’re done, you can choose to pick up the device at an Apple Store or have it delivered to your home for free.
In addition to the Apple Vision Pro headphones themselves, the pre-order will include an adjustable dual-loop strap, a protective cover, a cleaning cloth, an external battery, and a 30W USB-C adapter and USB-C charging cable.
How to test Apple Vision Pro in store
If you’re unsure about committing to the pricey Vision Pro based on reviews and pictures alone, Apple is offering 25-minute demos at select stores for those who want to try it out for themselves. Registration for the demonstrations begins at 8:00 am. local time at participating Apple retail locations on February 2 and will be available on a “first-come, first-serve” basis. Although Apple says in-person demos are over the weekend, it’s possible will be available longer. You can sign up for a demo as long as you have an Apple ID here.
Given the hype leading up to the Vision Pro’s launch, it’s possible Delivery windows may be longer than expected for more recent pre-orders, so be sure to check your estimated arrival or pickup times at check out.