They say imitation is the honest form of flattery and Google seems to agree.
On Tuesday, the company added a feature to AI powered by AI Gemini Chatbot that the company is calling a canvas. Similar to the idea to the Openai Canvas tool for Chatgpt and Anthropic objects, Canvas provides Gemini users an interactive space where they can create, improve and share writing and coding projects.
“The canvas is designed for uninterrupted collaboration with Gemini,” writes Product Manager Gemini Dave Citron in a blog post shared with TechCrunch. “With these new features, Gemini becomes an even more effective partner, helping you bring your ideas to life.”
Workplaces such as Gemini’s canvas, Chatgpt canvas and artifacts are AI’s latest attempt to transform chatbot platforms into full productivity suites. Delicated workplaces can provide more accurately than text -based interfaces, as well as provide a way of previewing code in real time.
Canvas Gemini, who can start through the direct line line from the Gemini application to the web and mobile, allows users to design long messages with the twins who can then process and refine. Using canvas, users can update specific parts of a drawing and customize the tone, length and formatting through special tools.
“For example, point out a paragraph and ask Gemini to make it more concise, professional or informal,” Citron explained in the blog post. “If you want to work with others about the content you just did, you can export it to the Google Documents with one click.”
As mentioned earlier, Canvas also packages the capabilities that focus on programming, including a feature that allows users to create and preview HTML, Code React and other web applications prototypes. Users can ask Gemini to make changes to a preview and the canvas will renew again.
“For example, say that you want to create an email registration form for your site,” Citron writes. “You can ask Gemini to create HTML for the form and then preview how it will appear and operate in your web application.”

Together with the canvas, Google brings Notebooklm audio overview to Gemini, the company announced on Tuesday. Google’s notebooklm was made last year for audio overview, which creates realistic podcast sound summaries in style, websites and other sources.
As with the audio overview on NotebookLM, the audio overview on Gemini accepts files and content in a series of forms. Uploading a document through the prompting line will activate the shortcut of audio review and once a summary is created, it can be downloaded or shared through the Gemini application on the internet or mobile.
Both canvas and audio overview are available free of charge to Gemini users worldwide on Tuesday. The ability to preview canvas code is only on the tissue for now, however, and audio review summaries are limited to English.