Postpone announced In a post on the blog on Thursday that they are now Acceptance of records For the Community notes program on Facebook, Instagram and themes. The announcement is followed by Meta News last month that it is going to end the third -party control program and moves to a community notes model similar to that on X.
In her post on the blog, META explains that Community notes will be a way for users on all platforms to decide when the posts are misleading and will allow them to add more frames to the positions.
Starting today, people can register to be among the first rates in the program. To enroll, users must rely on the United States and be over 18 years of age. In addition, users must have an account that is over six months and in good condition, along with a verified phone number or registration in two -factor authentication.
Meta says that contributors will be able to write and submit a Community note to positions that they believe are misleading or confusing. Just as in x, notes can include things such as background information, advice or other details that users may find useful.
The notes will have a limit of 500 characters and are required to include a link.
“To publish a Community note in a post, users who usually disagree, based on how they have evaluated notes in the past, should agree that a note is useful,” Meta explains. “The notes will not be added to the content when there is no agreement or when people agree that a note is not useful.”
Meta says that the Community notes will be written and scored by the contributors, not by the technological giant itself. All notes must observe the Meta Community standards.
“We intend to be transparent about how different views update the notes that appear in our applications and work in the right way to share this information,” Meta says.
The company plans to introduce Community notes to the United States in the coming months. Meta has not shared when planning to bring the trait to additional countries.
Meta’s decision to eliminate control of events on Community notes was considered the company that re -installed Trump’s presidency, as it requires an approach in favor of unlimited internet speech. When Meta announced the change, Mark Zuckerberg said in a video These researchers were “very politically biased” and had destroyed “more confidence than they have created”.